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Delegation of internal audit

As experts in the regulations of the National Securities Market Commission, we provide independent and objective assurance aimed at adding value and improving the organization’s operations.

We are market leaders. More than 100 entities regulated by the Bank of Spain, the CNMV and the DGSFP trust us, and Informa Consulting is the firm to which most entities regulated by the CNMV (ESIS, SGIIC, SGEIC, SICAV and self-managed SCR) have delegated the Internal Audit function, with more than 43% of the market share.

Function management

  • Management of the internal audit function in ESIS, in accordance with CNMV Circular 1/2014.
  • Management of the internal audit function in SGIIC, in accordance with CNMV Circular 6/2009.
  • Management of the internal audit function (Control Unit) in SGEIC, in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 231/2013.


  • Design and creation of the internal audit department.
  • Participation as secretaries in the internal audit committee.
  • Selection of personnel for internal audit functions.
  • Assignment of resources for Internal Audit Departments.


  • Training in securities market regulations. You can click on the following link to access all the information about our training courses: